‘De Baleine’ – annex to restaurant ‘De Walvis’

Kalverringdijk 13

Merchant’s House with pilaster facade, dating from 1750 – now in use as a kitchen and coffee takeaway…

The Municipality of Zaandam donated Kalverringdijk 13 to the Zaanse Schans in 1966. The 19th-century building is mainly used as a pantry, office and kitchen for the adjacent restaurant, but there is also a coffee takeaway and more…

Cornelis Gerrits Honig took up residence in the Merchant’s House in 1765, after which it was home to the Honig family for generations afterwards. The building has a classical pilaster facade (a pilaster is a ‘half’ pillar that projects slightly from a facade or wall).

Kalverringdijk 13

The former shop in its original location at Oostzijde 10 in Zaandam.